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  • Writer's pictureLorna Leibowitz

It Ain’t Over Til The Co-op Board Sings!

In Manhattan, the land of Chinese billionaires and Russian oligarchs, when it comes to co-ops, it is the co-op board that rules.

My buyers won the bidding war and now it was time to prep them for the all-important co-op board interview!

First I sent them my extensive tip sheet which is designed to address all possible questions. Even with a comprehensive tip sheet, every situation is different. In this case, the couple had to be forewarned not to appear surprised to hear personal questions, and to make sure that they were on the same page when answering.

When I arrived at the buyers’ home for the all-important prep session, I found them tending to their newborn, and the house was in total disarray. With my baby-sitting skills firmly in place, I provided a fashion consultation as to what to wear to the co-op board interview.

Then I coached them on what to say, and even more importantly, what not to say.

As you can see, in Manhattan, sometimes a broker isn’t just a broker, but also a fashion consultant, babysitter, interviewer, life coach and advocate, all in one!

By the way, that deal just closed. Buyer and seller were both thrilled at the closing!

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